Maintenance Committee Meeting
July 11, 2023 at 10am in person: Vizcaya Clubhouse, 6101 34th St. W., Bradenton, Fl.
1.Call to Order 2.Determination of Quorum
3. Review Current and Past Action Item Status
A. Maintenance Yard Cleanup still WIP
B. Tools and Supplies Inventory
C. Speed Bump Pad to be ordered 6.16.23
D. Front Entry/Exit and Back Gate Finials painted gold 6.20.23
E. Front Gate painted 6.22.23
F. Back Gate painted 6.28.23
G. Pool Shower Walkway painted 6.30.23
H. Red Emergency Phone on Pool Deck was replaced 6.13.23 and in working order
I. Life Save Float replaced with bright orange and up 6.15.23
J. Chieko getting proposals for sections of pool fence (USA)
K. Ceiling Fans Outside Pool Area - Request 6.15.23
L. Small broken sign located by hot tub timer. Office said ordered 6.5.23
M. Continuation of monitoring buildings front and back
N. Encourage work orders
0. Uneven Pavers/Shells
4. Discussion Items for Future Work
A. Garbage Cribs (Wet and Forget) Request Order 6.15.23
B. Mortar/Stucco and Painting of Building Openings
C. Air Conditioner Boxes Labeled - Research small Aluminum Stickers
D. Sidewalk Leveling: Start with Pool Draining Area Proposals
E. Excess Cement Pavers lying around buildings on common property
F. Front Entrance door of Clubhouse - Door Knob 6.19.23
G. Mud Wasps- Please do WO's
H. Make lists of buildings with Shed Door Rusted Air Vents
I. Line Marking Striping in parking spots, Cost of machine
J. Clubhouse Floor Tile and Grout Cleaning
K. Update all Committees on Vizcaya's Webpage 6.21.23
L. Hurricane Preparedness
5. Next Meeting TBD
6. Maintenance Committee Chair - Judy Hundley Adjourn