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Date: September 18th, 2023 7:00pm. Clubhouse or Zoom
Social Committee
1. Establish Quorum
Call To Order…. Chrissy Roberts. Social Chair for August and September.
Meeting Agenda
1. Secretary Report (hand out minutes from August)
2. Treasurer Report and Expenses .Chris Meyer -Oertel /Judy Hundley.
3. Sunshine Report. Kathy Scherz
Voting on Expenses for 2023-2024 Events:
1. Italian Night budget proposal (Kathy Mull, Beverly Gorman, Bill Caples)
**Discussion on New Neighbors Event. (Sandy Kirsche)
Volunteers needed for events that are up and coming:
1. Octoberfest
2. Veterans Day
3. Italian Night
Safety month (November)
Open Social Committee position-Secretary
Next Meeting:
October 23rd at 7:00pm,
Vizcaya Committees is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 597 940 1697
By Phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 597 940 1697#