6101 34th St W., Bradenton, FL 34210
AD HOC – Future Roof Committee Meeting
Will be held on
Tuesday, January 18, 2022, at 11:00 am
Via Zoom – Only
1. Call to order
2. Establish quorum
3. Discuss and vote on adding Dan Mull to Roofing Committee
4. Discuss BOD approval of roof 3c based on 30-year warranty
5. Discuss and vote on Dry-in scenario and tile options for 3C
6. Discuss Roofing report for roof 24 and requested pricing
7. Discuss Roofing material options
a. Standing Seam Metal
b. Asphalt Shingles
c. Reuse existing concrete tile
d. New concrete barrel tile and underlayment options
e. Composite (Brava) barrel tile and underlayment options
8. Discuss and vote on what to present to BOD
9. Call for meeting adjournment
Elicit resident comments following each item discussion
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 1552 8140
Passcode: 620321
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 818 1552 8140#
Passcode: 620321#